Living a wide life

After changing my blog theme I found some bug on the new template and I attempted to fix it. Then I was thinking what to write to have some global significance. Then I came up with „Living a wide life”. I want to make my life very wide. As some wisdom man told me once,… Continuă lectura Living a wide life

Thai expulsion – follow up

During my stay in Bangkok airport I was scarred that I was told even if I buy a new ticket to return home, the airline can refuse my boarding since I am not anymore a normal passenger. I wrote a notice to European Commison, Directorate General for Energy and Transport via web page and I… Continuă lectura Thai expulsion – follow up

Din categoria Trips

Scoala de schi

Recomand tuturor sa urmeze scoala de schi in Austria. Au si baza materiala perfecta si instructorii cei mai buni. Schiatul haotic oricit de rapid si plin de adrenalina ar fi nu se compara in cele din urma cu un schiat cu stil. Puteti cistiga acest stil in Austria. Eu merg anual la scoala de schi… Continuă lectura Scoala de schi

Din categoria Trips